We deliver the goods


We deliver the goods


Rail as the key to decarbonization

DB Cargo launches the "Freight belongs on the rails" initiative

CO2-free supply chains for the economy – simplifying climate-friendly logistics
– Intelligent combination of rail and road.

Every year, DB Cargo rail transports reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector by up to 7 million tonnes.

This takes pressure off roads, protects the environment and cuts CO2 emissions.

Icon: 3 LKWs mit grünem Haken
Icon: Zwei Bäume mit grünem Haken
Icon: Die Erdkugel mit Thermometer und grünem Haken

Everyone knows it: freight belongs on rail.

Rail really points the way ahead.

Lorries can also transport by rail.

DB Cargo takes 22 million lorries off our congested roads every year

One freight train replaces up to 52 lorries

This creates space on motorways and frees roads from congestion.

Up to 50% reduction in external costs

Trains cause fewer large-scale problems than lorries: they experience fewer accidents, cause less damage to the environment and have a reduced impact on landscapes.

CO2 emissions are 80% lower

Nothing beats trains when it comes to climate-friendly transport. They emit up to 80% less CO2 than lorries and 40% less CO2 than inland waterway vessels.

What we want to achieve by 2030:

Halve CO2 emissions in the transport sector.

The climate goal is also our goal. We can achieve it by combining rail and road transport cleverly between now and 2030.


We need your support for this.

If you are in favour of climate-friendly transport, please sign up for our campaign. Every name makes us stronger!